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Saturday July 13, 2024

Half Day

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tushita KMC


Buddha on a wall painted in grafitti style

When reality turns out to be different from what we hoped would happen, it is easy to become disappointed. Our own and others unrealistic expectations can often lead to anger, and discouragement, harm our relationships and set us up for a sense of failure. When we begin to let go of expectations, we are also letting go of perfectionism, and our attachment to things going our way. 

In this course we will see how we can live life unburdened by our own and others expectations and begin to experience for ourself the inner freedom this can bring.

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Discounted rates for Members

Meditation Workshop Schedule

Session 1: 10:00 am-11.15 am Session 2: 11.45 am-1:00 pm

Meditation Workshop Venue

Meditation Workshop Leader

Kriss Barker

Kriss Barker

Kriss Barker has been following the Buddhist path for many years and is a dedicated Kadampa practitioner.

She teaches at Tushita KMC and also currently at Kalk Bay.

What Are The Benefits of a Meditation Course?

Gen Namkyen meditating in the shrine room
People in the shrine room
Buddha in the garden
The Book store at Tushita KMC


Why do you charge for classes?

As a nonprofit organisation, fees for classes and member contributions are our only source of income.

What if I don't have money and I want to attend?

Everyone can participate in the classes regardless of ability to pay. Nobody is ever turned away for lack of funds. Please speak to us.

Do I need to have experience in meditation or Buddhism to attend the classes?

No. All you need is the wish to improve yourself and the quality of your life.

Do I have to be a Buddhist to benefit from meditation?

No. Anyone can learn basic meditation and experience the great benefits. Buddhism is a non-evangelical religion. Buddhists respect all people, and are happy to help anyone regardless of whether they subscribe to another faith, or to none.

Do I need to bring anything?

You do not need to bring any mats or wear any special clothing. Comfortable chairs are used for seating. If you wish to take notes, please bring a pen and notepad.

I’ve been coming to drop-in classes for a while. Is there a class which goes into more depth?

For those who want to deepen their experience of Buddhism, we also have the Foundation Program. The Foundation Program (FP) immerses us in Buddhist teachings by studying systematically one of five texts on the FP curriculum.

Connect With TKMC

Keep up to date with events and news at the centre


+27 (0) 71 540 8855


47 Trill Rd, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925


Make A Donation?

Your donation will help us to maintain Tushita KMC for all those who seek spiritual growth, healing and a place of refuge in the heart of Cape Town.